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An Egyptian actress facing trial on public obscenity charges for wearing a revealing dress says she didn't hateful to offend anyone, appealing to her detractors to believe in her practiced intentions.

In a weekend Facebook post, Rania Youssef said she may have misjudged how people would react to the dress she wore at the closing ceremony of this twelvemonth's Cairo International Film Festival, which revealed the entirety of her legs through embroidered gauze.

In choosing that clothes, she said, she had referred to fashion designers that may have been influenced by the tastes and standards at international film festivals.

"I want to repeat my commitment to the values and ethics we accept been raised by in Egyptian society," said Youssef, without making an outright amends.

Images of Youssef at the issue were widely shared on social media, prompting a group of lawyers to file a complaint to the chief prosecutor, who quickly referred the case to trial. Many complaints languish for months or longer before any action is taken, so the swift activity betrays the urgency of the desire to gratify those that took offense.

Youssef is due in court on Jan. 12.

The instance is the latest instance of ostensibly secular authorities embracing religious conservatism in Muslim-majority Arab republic of egypt, where the military machine in 2013 — and so led by electric current President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi — overthrew a freely elected but divisive Islamist president, Mohammed Morsi.

Elected to office in 2014, el-Sissi has since overseen a crackdown that saw thousands of Islamists and many secular, pro-democracy activists imprisoned, and reversed gains won by a pop 2011 uprising that toppled the 29-year dominion of autocrat Hosni Mubarak.

But while el-Sissi's regime embraces an nearly obsessive opposition to political Islam, it has shown a large degree of tolerance toward ultraconservative Muslims. The Salafis, as they are known, have for decades worked quietly toward the gradual, not-vehement transformation of Egypt into a society that observes the purist rules of Islam'south early 7th century days.

El-Sissi is known to be an observing Muslim who consistently invokes God in speeches only has regularly called on the country'southward tiptop clerics to revise Islam'due south soapbox in a bid to remove literature inspiring hatred or violence. In a TV interview earlier his election in June 2014, el-Sissi said: "I will be responsible for (the nation'south) values, ideals, principles and faith."

Egypt's Actors Guild, meanwhile, said in a statement that information technology intended to investigate and subject area actors who wore "inappropriate" attire during the opening and closing ceremonies of the weeklong film festival, arguing that they clashed with "traditions, values and ideals of the society."

"Although we absolutely believe in personal freedom of artists, nosotros appeal to everyone to shoulder their responsibilities toward the fans who appreciate their fine art and view them equally role models," said the statement. "That should compel them to exercise a minimum level of commitment to society's public values."

Youssef'southward wearing apparel and news of her impending trial take dominated on social media over the weekend, made the front page Sunday of several newspapers and became the topic of several op-eds.

While some on social media invoked religion to denounce the actress' "immodesty," others criticized the judicial organization for what they saw as bowing to conservatives, noting the lack of progress in redressing what they considered some of gild's more pressing chronic ills, such as homelessness, abuse and sexual harassment of women.

"A nation is jolted by a revealing dress at a festival only is not enraged by a million children sleeping crude and scavenging in trash bins for food," tweeted columnist Khaled Montaser.

Emad Hussein, editor of the independent and respected daily Al-Shorouk, said Youssef had every right, in theory, to wearable whatever dress she chose, but that her "grave mistake" was that it "looked more than like a swimsuit."

"There is a law that prohibits offending the public but, more chiefly, there are societal values that demand to be respected," he wrote Sunday.